University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Managing the overall printing costs across the University.
44 000 students
5 000 academic and support staff
The Challenge
- Manage the overall printing costs across the university through Managed Print Services (MPS)
- Provide secure print release, cost recovery and charge back services for student printing, photocopying and scanning across the university
- Implement and manage a standard fleet of multifunctional devices (MFDs)
- Use students’ ID cards to access their print accounts
- Provide a single self-service web portal to load credit onto accounts and to pay library fines
- Reduce staff time spent handling and reconciling cash
- Provide a highly available service, built on print cluster across two data centres
- Full user acceptance testing (UAT) completed on a separate but identical UAT environment
- Login policies that restrict users with substantial fines from accessing PCs
The Solution
- A five year roll out of 2,000 new Lexmark MFDs across the university. This includes three libraries and eight faculties
- Implementation of eDAS embedded software on the Student printers of this fleet (approximately 10% of devices)
- The Supervisor Net software suite to manage all printing, copying and scan activity and all student accounts
- My Monitor web software for credit card transfer of funds to accounts, balance and spend tracking, fees and fines payment, all online
- Six Express Kiosks for loading card accounts from debit cards
- Point of sale terminals for cashless purchase of specialist print/copy services in faculties where required
- Monitor staff to support the student Managed Print Service
The Result
The successful installation of approximately 70 embedded MFDs accessed by student cards. Paper waste has been reduced through the Lexmark Print Less strategy. Confidentiality has increased by introducing Lexmark secure release functionality with users releasing each print job at the MFD. The server is currently handling 4188 transactions on a daily basis. Cashless payment of library fines, spend tracking and account top-up through My Monitor at the university, at home or from anywhere in the world. Automated enforcement of policies on outstanding fines, so students cannot login to a library computer if they have outstanding library fines. Full financial reconciliation and seamless integration with library and financial management systems. Simple but informative interface which displays jobs in the student’s queue, number of pages per job, cost of the print job and remaining account balance.
The Future
As the five year printer replacement plan is completed at the university , all areas of the university requiring student printing are expected to migrate onto the Student MPS service. The point of sale terminals in faculties will eliminate cash handling by staff, as cards can be used to purchase large format and specialist printing.
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