Release of Monitor’s 9.7.0 Software.
Includes Advanced QR Code Workflows for Print Release and a major upgrade to our Facilities Reservation System.
We’re happy to announce the release of the 9.7.0 version of the following products:
Supervisor Net suite
My Monitor
Supervisor Express
My Reservation
Major highlights for this release are:
- Advanced QR Code workflows for print release, device activation and account top up – The user interacts with QR Codes on the MFD, Printer or kiosk and uses their mobile device to navigate the various options. Please see this short video for an overview of the new solution. This is a significantly positive change to the way our customers can interact with the solution.
See video below.
- Ability to release print jobs from standard Windows print queues in Express – This is to support specialized job types such as large format. We still recommend to use the Monitor print driver where possible for the print release mechanism, as this enables the user to alter the job attributes and preview the job, which is not possible when using standard Windows print drivers.
- The print popup on a PC now has a link for the user to follow to pay and release their print jobs via Web Print. The Monitor print driver must be used to utilise this function.
- Terminals and Terminal Setups are now accessible in Web Administrator.
- Multi-Factor authentication has been upgraded in Web Administrator, with the ability to make it mandatory for all staff members and set ‘Safe’ IP addresses, from which it’s not necessary to use 2FA. Users must now also enter a valid 2FA code to complete the activation of multi-factor authentication on their account, preventing accidental account lock-outs.
- Facility reservation has had a major upgrade, including re-implementing large portions of the end user facing website. The solution now supports booking multiple facilities, assets and inventory items at the same time, using an online ordering type of cart concept.
- In Web Administrator, transactions can now be refunded directly back to the original credit card that the payment was made from. Supports Windcave, BPoint and Westpac PayWay payment gateways
End of life notification:
Monitor Mobile Application: With the release of the QR Code workflows, the mobile application is no longer a requirement for device activation, uploading jobs for print release, adding value to an account, etc. We are therefore planning on removing the application from the application stores once the sites currently using it have upgraded to this version. Please don’t deploy this legacy solution to new sites. Sites currently using this product are encouraged to upgrade to this new version and implement the QR Code workflows.
A complete list of changes is as follows:
Supervisor Net
[Feature] #17929 ‘Home Library’ mapping has been added to the III library management interface
[Feature] #17896 All admin logins (successful and unsuccessful) are now recorded in the audit log
[Feature] #17880 The SQL Wizard now encrypts the SQL connection string in all of our web products during the installation process
[Feature] #17841 Implemented support for the new Spydus API, making it quicker for user accounts to be found during the login process
[Feature] #17835 Support for purchase order numbers have been added to the system to support invoicing for facility reservations
[Feature] #17829 Added support for Express to release standard Windows print jobs. Requires Supervisor Express 9.7.0 or above
[Feature] #17758 Added support for advanced QR Code print and activation workflows
[Feature] #17674 The Queue Manager will now automatically restart if it detects that the Windows print spooler has either stopped or restarted
[Feature] #17674 It is now possible to refund transactions directly back to the credit card that originally made the purchase in Web Administrator. This feature is dependant on the payment gateway being used and how it is configured in My Monitor. Currently supported payment gateways are: Windcave, BPoint and Westpac Payway
[Feature] #17442 When printing to the Monitor Cloud Queue driver, it is now possible to pre-pay for the print job via the print popup dialog. Clicking the link in the popup window takes the user to Web Print to pre-pay or pay for and print the job
[Feature] #16966 The Monitor Cloud Queue driver is now installed during the Queue Manager installation process
[Change] #17966 Supervisor Express will now obtain pricing model information from Supervisor Net using a newly enhanced kiosk service. This drastically speeds up the obtaining of pricing models in Express when in POS mode. Must be used in conjunction with Supervisor Express version 9.7.0 or above for this speed increase to be realised
[Change] #17723 The ‘IsPermanent’ flag has been set on a number of primary accounts associated with the normal functioning of the system. They are – AUTOLOADER CARD, CASH PAYMENT, CASH PRINTING, CASUAL USER, EFTPOS PRINTING and INVALIDPRIMARY
[Change] #17708 Supervisor Net will now only request a token from the Aurora library management system once during the communication session, minimising the number of requests made to Aurora
[Change] #17697 The software components listed on the registration tool in Supervisor Administrator are now in alphabetical order
[Bug Fix] #17972 If multi-selecting print jobs in queues on different print servers at the same time, certain print jobs would not be visible if there were duplicate print job IDs across the multiple print servers
[Bug Fix] #17968 If the update client was not configured with a Supervisor Net server address, the service could not be stopped and the automatic update system would not work. If the update client configuration step is skipped during an installation, the Supervisor Net server address will automatically default to ‘localhost’, which will work in most cases. Additional logging has been added for the situation where the server address is somehow not configured correctly, and the service can now be stopped or restarted in this condition
[Bug Fix] #17743 There was often no status listed in Print Administrator for jobs that had failed to print – usually from Web Print due to an XPS printing problem
[Bug Fix] #17683 There were two issues found when sending campaign emails from Monitor Online Ordering if those campaigns included the invalid characters ‘/ \ * ?’ – The emails for the campaign wouldn’t be generated or sent and the system would not move on to subsequent campaigns if the first campaign email failed to send
[Bug Fix] #17543 The following pricing models were set to include tax during a new install when they shouldn’t be – WEB ADMIN, ADD VALUE, ADDED BY IMPORT
Web Administrator
[Feature] #17890 Terminal and Terminal Setup configuration has been added. Please note that only functions and features present in product currently sold is supported
[Feature] #17884 An option has been added to force the use of multi factor authentication for all administrative users. An IP Address ‘Safelist’ is also available to remove the requirement for multi factor authentication from certain IP addresses
[Feature] #17833 The ability to mark a facility as able to be paid later has been replaced by a new invoicing feature
[Feature] #17608 The ability to add terms and conditions, to be displayed to the end user, has been added to categories
[Feature] #17598 A new option showing the computer reservation website URL has been added to the Reservation Station settings. Following this URL will launch the reservation website in a browser in the same way as accessing it from the reservation station
[Feature] #17553 The ability to add a certain amount of time to the beginning a reservation, called ‘Set up time’, and at the end of a reservation, called ‘Clean up time’ has been added. This prevents the facility being booked a certain amount of time either side of a reservation
[Feature] #17478 Details about the person who created the reservation, (Staff member or customer), has been added to the details tab of both computer and facility reservations
[Feature] #17418 The ability to alter the page size has been added to the print release function
[Feature] #17249 When an admin user is setting up their multi-factor authentication code, they must enter a valid 2FA code before the system will save the settings. This prevents the user turning the system on and then not being able to successfully generate a 2FA code and log into Web Administrator
[Change] #17900 In the facility reservation management grid, the column header ‘Event Name’ has been changed to ‘Reservation Name’
[Change] #17853 Administrators now have 10 incorrect login attempts. They must then wait 5 minutes before attempting to log in again. When 10 incorrect attempts are made, a new alarm #60 is generated by the system and can be configured to send a notification to an email address, alerting them to the situation
[Change] #17852 When changing an end user’s password, the new password must adhere to the user password policy, as defined in My Monitor. Admin password minimum strength has also been introduced and is set to a minimum length of 10 characters
[Change] #17850 In the facility reservation summary view, the number of columns frozen in place when scrolling horizontally on the grid is now 4 instead of 2. The columns have also been renamed as follows – ‘Current Event’ is now ‘Reservation Name’, ‘Name/Status’ is now ‘Status’
[Change] #17843 Administrators are now allowed to create facility reservations that fall outside of normal operating hours
[Change] #17606 The name of the facility reservation is no longer optional when being added by an admin user
[Change] #17373 The following Pricing Model related changes have been made to the transaction viewer:
1. Renamed the current ‘Disbursement Extension’ to Pricing Model Extension Number
2. Added Disbursement Extension Name as Pricing Model Extension Name
3. Renamed the current ‘Disbursement’ to ‘Pricing Model Name’
4. Renamed ‘Disbursement Number’ to Pricing Model Number
[Change] #17217 The .NET Core framework used by Web Administrator has been upgraded to 6.0 LTS
[Bug Fix] #17956 A new facility category could not be created if an existing category was chosen from the list before attempting to click the new category button
[Bug Fix] #17933 The list of computers and their descriptions were not aligned correctly in the computer selection drop down, when creating a computer reservation
[Bug Fix] #17910 The print release feature was not working correctly when Web Administrator was installed on a different server to the Print Manager
[Bug Fix] #17870 The facility terms and conditions found in the ‘Online facility reservation settings’ was not saving
[Bug Fix] #17869, #17859, #17857 Various changes to the product to make it more secure
[Bug Fix] #17753 The ‘Item’ filter was not working when positioned in the ‘Scheduled’ or ‘Unavailable’ tabs in Facility Reservation management
[Bug Fix] #17717 When you had ‘One ticket per page’ selected, a blank page would sometimes be printed after each guest ticket
[Bug Fix] #17678 If the hours of operation for a facility was extended using the holidays function, the administrator would not see the new hours reflected in the facility management area
[Bug Fix] #17619 There were a couple of different issues with the licensing of the number of admin users able to access Web Administrator concurrently causing some admin users to not be able to log in when they should have been able to
[Bug Fix] #17618 The admin user’s changes to the view were sometimes not persisting in the User Accounts area
[Bug Fix] #17604 When an admin user was creating a facility reservation, they would sometimes be incorrectly shown an error message saying ‘Outside operating hours’
[Bug Fix] #17603 When creating a facility reservation by date and time first, the closed hours were sometimes being shown as available on the timeline view
[Bug Fix] #17602 When creating a facility reservation by facility first, the system would sometimes say that the selected time is outside operating hours, even when it wasn’t
[Bug Fix] #17389 The guest ticket generator will now ‘Give up’ trying to find a new random number after 100 attempts. Previously it would cause the CPU to ramp up to 100%, bringng the system down. Note that it should never be put into this situation, as guest accounts should be a minimum of 6 digits and inactive accounts purged regularly
[Bug Fix] #17379 The date and time for the submission of a print job was being displayed as ‘Invalid Date’ in the Firefox browser
[Bug Fix] #16490 GL Codes could not contain forward-slash characters (/)
[Bug Fix] #16455 Clicking the enter key on the keyboard has been made the same as clicking the ‘Confirm’ button on dialogs
Web Print
[Feature] #17881 The SQL connection string is now encrypted in the web.config file
[Feature] #17715 The Web Print Manager will automatically restart if the the Windows print spooler service stops or restarts
[Feature] #17643 Web Print now contains the end-points required for activating devices and releasing print jobs, when used in conjunction with the QR Code printing system found in My Monitor 9.7.0 or above
[Change] #17875 Various Javascript libraries have been updated for security purposes
[Change] #17865, #17858, #17854 Security has been improved in the session tokens, HTTP security headers and TLS configuration
[Bug Fix] #17961 Tabloid sized documents would be printed as letter size when printed using Web Print
Monitor Online Ordering
[Feature] #17883 The SQL connection string is now encrypted in the web.config file
[Feature] #17864 Improved the security of the HTTPS headers
[Feature] #17658 Events with a seating plan can sometimes take a while to load, so a loading indicator was added
[Bug Fix] #17921 Could not add images to events in the event management area
[Bug Fix] #17919 Event tickets were being left stuck in the cart, making less event tickets available for purchase
[Bug Fix] #17906 The question editor preview feature was not working and would just display an error message
[Bug Fix] #17774 Due to a mismatch in interpreting the date/time between Online Ordering Admin and Web Administrator, admin SSO between products sometimes didn’t work
Laundry Monitor
[Change] #17876 Various Javascript libraries have been updated for security purposes
[Change] #17868, #17863, #17856 Security has been improved in the session tokens, HTTP security headers and TLS configuration
[Bug Fix] #16530 Pictures for the sites and locations were not being displayed
Supervisor Insight
[Feature] #17882 The SQL connection string is now encrypted in the web.config file
[Bug Fix] #17775 Due to a mismatch in interpreting the date/time between Insight and Web Administrator, admin SSO between products sometimes didn’t work
[Bug Fix] #17677 4500: Reservation Summary – was grouping the reservations incorrectly, making bookings over the next two months look like they were over the next two days
[Bug Fix] #17661 Insight could take a long time to log into on larger databases. Indexing was improved to mitigate this
My Reservation
My Reservation System
[Feature] #17893 A new parameter is sent to Google when rebooting a Chromebook to suppress the new prompt informing the user that the computer will restart in 5 minutes, which was introduced just prior to the release of Chrome OS version 120 LTS
[Feature] #17742 The message template called ‘PC Reservation confirmation to customer’ has been enhanced to include the reservation reference number. The new variable is %ReferenceNumber%
[Feature] #17610 Added booking time information to items on the facility confirmation email if the booking times for assets and inventory differ from the facility itself
[Bug Fix] #17963 Chromebooks would sometimes appear offline in Web Administrator even when they were online
[Bug Fix] #17902 4030 Computer Hourly Utilization report in Insight was failing to report on session times greater than a one hour period
[Bug Fix] #17849 The system would fail to upgrade if a PC Group had been deleted
[Bug Fix] #17773 The messages displayed to users on the Chromebook when attempting to log in under various situations was poorly formatted
[Bug Fix] #17728 If the default website in IIS was renamed to anything other than the default value of ‘Default Website’, My Reservation would fail to install
[Bug Fix] #17720 In new installations, the installer was putting the website folder off the root folder instead of under inetpub\wwwroot
PC Client
[Bug Fix] #17778 It was possible for the user to choose to extend their session when that would extend their time pass the closing time
[Bug Fix] #17769 The PC Client was disabling the windows key on the keyboard
My Reservation Website
[Feature] #17599 It is now possible to access the computer reservation website as if it is being accessed with the kiosk application. The URL to access it in this mode of operation can be found in the computer reservation website configuration in Web Administrator
[Change] #17874 Various Javascript libraries have been updated for security purposes, with older versions removed from new installations
[Change] #17867, #17862, #17861 Security has been improved in the session tokens, HTTP security headers and TLS configuration
[Bug Fix] #17716 Fixed a typo when deleting a reservation
Facility Reservation Website
[Feature] The facility reservation website has been re-built, allowing for the booking of multiple items in a single checkout. User workflows for both computer view and mobile view have been completely re-worked
[Feature] #17609 Added the ability for terms and conditions to be displayed for a chosen category
[Feature] #17551 Added support for set up time and clean up time configuration
[Change] #17834 The ‘Pay Later’ option has been removed and replaced with the new invoicing option
[Bug Fix] #17605 Under some configurations, there were problems encountered when he user booked the last available slot for the day
My Monitor
[Feature] #17623 A major new feature has been implemented to support the scanning of QR Codes on printers, kiosks and MFDs. The user is guided through a new workflow on their mobile device to add value to their account, activate devices and release print jobs. This feature required Web Print to also be installed, and all components to be 9.7.0 or above
[Feature] #17813 My Monitor is now WCAG compliant to level AAA. Styles have also been provided to bring the default colours on the website to AA and AAA compliance
[Feature] #17544 Functionality to support the refunding of transactions back to the original credit card used for that transaction has been added. Refunds are initiated in Web Administrator, and supports Windcave, BPoint and Westpac PayWay payment gateways
[Change] #17888, #17866, #17860 Security has been improved in the session tokens, HTTP security headers and TLS configuration
[Change] #17851 The minimum password length has been changed to 10 characters for all new passwords
[Change] #17803 My Monitor will now take a user to the account creation process if they log in using an email address that exists in Supervisor Net, but has never been used before in My Monitor
[Change] #17801 ‘DPS’ payment gateway has been renamed to ‘Windcave’
[Change] #17719 If a guest account uses their ticket number generated in another product, using a generic email address, (example.com), when they sign up to My Monitor for the first time, they won’t be prompted for their email address
[Bug Fix] #17990 My Monitor was no longer prompting mobile users to add the application to their home screen the first time they visited the site
[Bug Fix] #17771 Due to a mismatch in interpreting the date/time between My Monitor Admin and Web Administrator, admin SSO between products sometimes didn’t work
[Bug Fix] #17759 Transaction dates in email receipts were intermittently showing an incorrect date of 01/01/1970
[Bug Fix] #17746 Emailed detailed monthly My Monitor statement only reported from the 2nd until the end of the month – it was missing the 1st
[Bug Fix] #17561 If ‘Hidden if balance is zero’ is enabled in ‘Accounts’, the user’s ‘Options’ page was corrupted
Supervisor Express
[Feature] #17924 Cash change receipts can now be generated with a PIN or a password, and this can be printed on the receipt
[Feature] #17760 Support has been added for the new advanced QR Code printing and activation feature. This requires Supervisor Net, My Monitor and Web Print version 9.7.0 or above
[Bug Fix] #17939 If only Print Release or Print Kiosk functions were activated on the kiosk, Express would throw an error at the end of the transaction
Print Release
[Feature] #17887 Express can now release print jobs residing in standard Windows print queues. Turn this feature on in the Print Release configuration, and define the pull queue in the associated EPR terminal
[Bug Fix] #17994 Express would take the user’s money and credit their account, but not release the print job if the screen prompting to enter an email address for the receipt timed out
Print Kiosk
[Bug Fix] #17976 Express would sometimes not find any files on the USB key if it was inserted at the prompt asking the user to insert the key. If the key was inserted before initiating the kiosk function, the files would be found
[Bug Fix] #17680 Elements were missing from the receipt when the system was set to print later only, and the user paid using cash
Point of sale
When using QR Code activation to log into POS, the user would always be shown as having a zero balance. This has been fixed.
This is available for our distributors to download now from our Filemanager site.
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