Monitor Solutions during COVID19
Here at MonitorBM we’ve seen a few of our customers use our products in some very unexpected and creative ways during the latest pandemic of COVID19 which greatly depends on social distances and staying in ones’ ‘bubble’
A lot of our solutions do in fact promote social distancing with the use of kiosks and creating whole Cash free environments with the use of existing or new ID card systems. Monitor’s MyReservation for facilities product supports the enforcing of configurable social distancing parameters based on the guidelines provided by your local health authority to ensure the number of people within a space is capped and that these facilities & services are still delivered to the public. Patrons & guest users can also book specific desks or seating spaces to ensure equitable access to the various resources is provided to the public.
For example, in Fairfield Library we had contact tracing and patron counting. A current member of the library can scan their card on entry which utilizes the monitor systems’ interface to their current Library management system to record that person details when they arrive. Giving whoever needs it – contact information about everyone who has entered that building on any given day as well as records the number of people that have entered the library.
For Guests to the library, they set up a simple PC typically at the library entrance to collect the same information the card would in a ‘self-sign-up’ manner.
In Woollahra Library they used our Reservation Solution to promote social distancing. Patrons to the library could book desks, rooms, space within the library for a time period. Made social distancing with others and staff a lot more seamless whilst delivering equitable access to all users during this time where numbers in the library are capped.
Monitor’s sophisticated thermal-based people counting system can also be used to provide real-time statistics & trend analysis data for all people entering & leaving the library. These reports can be generated on-demand or scheduled and delivered via email.
A couple of other facilities used our Monitor Online Ordering Solution in some unique ways. One used it to extend out to deliveries – ordering a certain type of book genre and then delivered to your home, contact-free! They used Monitor Online Ordering as a driving schedule for different areas in town. Another extended this to food and meals so pick-up would be a breeze and eliminate queues altogether.
Kiosks have also played a big part in Monitor Solutions being tools for social distancing and lowering interaction with staff and other patrons. We also teamed up with Hexis Anti-microbial film and their product Pure Zone which is a film that can be applied everywhere to ensure our solutions are protected. Everything from Kiosks, iPOS machines to door handles and work surfaces.
We’ve noticed a more independent shift in the market – and the need to have these self-directed solutions on hand. To cut down staff time and creating a more user-friendly experience in a number of different markets.
We focus our business on solving your issues with our products. We have flexibility in our systems for what you need it for – when you need it. Get in touch today on how we can help you.
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