Monitor announces a release of My Reservation version 9.8.0.

Highlights from this release are as follows:
- The facility reservation website has had a major upgrade, with the ability to reserve multiple facilities, assets and inventory with a single payment. Items are now added to a cart in an online ordering style of operation
- The facility reservation charging system has been much enhanced to allow for: Multiple levels of pricing by minutes/hours/days of time, different pricing by calendar profile, different pricing by user group
A complete list of changes is as follows:
[Bug Fix] #18124 Customers were getting two emails after their booking was approved and fully paid, one email said that the booking is approved, which is correct, the second email said please pay deposit in full even when there was nothing to pay
[Bug Fix] If a primary account was missing a value in its ID field, some resulting Supervisor Insight reports would be missing data due to the way My Reservation was storing the user’s information
[Feature] #18129,18130 A feature has been added to allow a reservation to apply a cancellation fee if the reservation is cancelled closer than the pre-determined cancellation time
[Feature] #18385 Set up and clean up times have been added for Inventory items
[Feature] #18180 The process to override existing reservations when making a new reservation has been enhanced to support reservations with multiple facilities
[Feature] #18073 An option has been added to the user group settings that will if enacted prevent users paying for a facility reservation via My Monitor
[Feature] #18041 The facility reservation charging system has been much enhanced to allow for: Multiple levels of pricing by minutes/hours/days of time, different pricing by calendar profile, different pricing by user group
[Feature] #17837 A visual indication has been added to the Facility Reservation area advising the administrator when there are insufficient licenses to add more facilities, assets or inventory items
[Feature] #16734 The ability to search for a user account by login alias when creating a reservation has been added
[Feature] #16683 Right-click functionality has been added to the Facility Reservation management page
[Feature] #16682 The key collection and key return functionality has been improved, providing a ‘Return Key’ button and the key return time is recorded in the reservation’s details along with the name of the administrator who took the key back
[Change] #18397 The options for item availability have been renamed for better clarity. They are found in the Asset or Inventory record under the heading ‘Asset/Inventory Only’
[Change] #18367 When adding Inventory to a facility Booking, if the facility booking is after hours, the inventory can now be booked to follow those hours. Previously, you would be told that it’s outside of operating hours and be unable to book the inventory item
[Change] #18288 When the administrator is creating a facility reservation, the time will now default to the minimum amount of time the facility may be booked for
[Change] #18287 If a facility is not chargeable, the charging options are now hidden during the booking process
[Bug Fix] #18392 When creating a facility reservation with an asset, you could set any start and end time including a time in the past
[Bug Fix] #18391 Facility reservations were unable to be cancelled/deleted from the management screen
[Bug Fix] #18369 When creating a future reservation for a computer, the start time would round back to a few minutes in the past. Start times now always round up to the nearest 5 minute block
[Bug Fix] #18366 In Assets and Inventory records, the word ‘Facility’ was still being referenced when referring to the Asset or Inventory Types
[Bug Fix] #18270 In the facility management console, enabling the option ‘Hide Unavailable Items’ would hide facilities with ‘Some availability’
[Bug Fix] #18228 Map components uploaded to the computer reservation maps were not being displayed
[Bug Fix] # After completing a paid facility booking from web administrator, an error “Fail to update facility booking tax paid” occurred
[Bug Fix] #18058 Reservation of overlapping rooms in the facility reservation area would not correctly identify the availability of the rooms in that overlap
[Bug Fix] #14864 The system was not preventing recurrence in a block booking if any of the computers in the block booking were configured to not allow it
[Bug Fix] #18286 Facility Reservations that require approval – automatic staff email notifications were not working
[Bug Fix] #18159 The logic with the reservation’s start date was wrong when creating a recurring reservation; For example: I want to create a recurring booking every second Monday starting from 1st July. Using this method, the booking is created to start on Sunday 14th July and then recur every second Sunday. The start date is one day before the start date specified
[Bug Fix] #18157 When the user’s price code was changed, they were not being placed into the correct corresponding My Reservation user group
Facility Reservation Kiosk Application
[Feature] #18298 An option has been added to the product to prevent it from returning to the login screen after 30 minutes of activity, so it can be used in a tablet situation
Facility Reservation Website
[Feature] The facility reservation website has had a major upgrade, with the ability to reserve multiple facilities, assets and inventory with a single payment. Items are now added to a cart in an online ordering style of operation
[Feature] #18336/18337 Based upon the permission granted to them in the User Group settings, a user may now pay for a facility reservation by an invoice option. An option to settle an invoice payment for a facility reservation has been added to the facility reservation details area
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