IT Carlow gets Computer & Facilities Reservation
The Institute of Technology Carlow is a large educational institute servicing nearly 40,000 students based in Dublin, Ireland.
When IT Carlow wanted to find a way to ensure that they knew who was using each of the PC’s available to students and who was using what student study space, they ask Monitor for a solution.
Our Computer Reservation and Facilities Reservation systems are ideal for their purpose and we have installed. Carlow students are booking PC’s and Study spaces online using the Monitor My Reservation.
The system is an ideal way for students to book and use computers and spaces and to ensure these are made available to all students fairly across the campus. The system also assists the campus with contact tracing as we know who is in what space at what time.
So far our system is managing nearly 200 Computers and 150 study spaces and we expect to have the system grow to around 800 computers and many more study spaces.

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