HUGE UPDATE: Feature release of Supervisor Net Suite – version 9.5.0.
We’re proud to announce the feature release of Supervisor Net – version 9.5.0.Updates for Supervisor Net, Web Administrator, Web Print, Monitor Online Ordering / Events & Supervisor Insight Please note that all of our products being released today are version 9.5.0, and they will all require this version of Supervisor Net.
A few of the highlights are as follows:
- This version introduces a new workflow for the public use printing space. Previously unknown customers are now able to email the system with their print job as an attachment. The system will send them back an acknowledgment and provide a link that they can follow to either pre-pay for their job (for later release on-site at a kiosk, via an administrator or at one of our supported makes of MFD), or alternatively pay and release their job immediately.
We have also introduced a new feature that disables the price estimate normally shown when the customer submits their job, and only displays the price of the job once they tell the system which printer they intend to release their job at. We call this Price Calculation. This feature is useful when different branches of the installation have different pricing for printing, rather than having a single price for all sites.
- Single sign-on capability has been added to our administrative applications. The admin user now only has to log in once and can move to any of our other admin interfaces without having to log in again.
- The calendar profile editor has been added to Web Administrator.
- We have now synchronised the sites and locations in Supervisor Net and My Reservation. Any changes made in one system will also be reflected in the other. During the upgrade process, the sites and locations are merged from each system together into one single set of sites and locations.
- An option has been added to further enhance our ability to financially ‘Silo’ an installation into separate sites by restricting users who have been allocated to a particular site from using any device at a different site.
- The operating hours and holidays system in Web Administrator for My Reservation have been greatly improved with the addition of ‘Breaks’, which allows for periods of time during the normal day that the system is not available to customers. The user interface has been much improved also to clearly show whether the dates and times have been inherited from sites or locations, and more information has been added to the holidays section to better explain to the user how that system works.
- The scheduled payment system and subscription systems in Monitor Online Ordering have been upgraded with additional functionality. For the subscription system, a subscription can now begin immediately upon being purchased.
A complete list of all changes is as follows:
Supervisor Net
[Feature] #17480 When a user is created from a template, the template’s group access rights are now also copied to that new user account
[Feature] #16903 If a user has multiple email addresses in a ‘Sierra’ external interface, Supervisor Net will now just use the first email address
[Feature] #16739 The system will now automatically keep the Sites and Locations from My Reservation in sync with the Sites and Locations in Supervisor Net. During an upgrade, the two sets of Sites and Locations will be merged
[Feature] #16736 An option has been added to reject a user at validation time if their Home Site value is not the same as the Site configured for the terminal. This is important for installations with multiple sites where the users are only allowed to use devices on the sites that they are configured for
[Change] #17377 FUF SETUP records are now pre-configured with the correct settings for FujiFilm devices
[Bug Fix] #17485 Fixed page count issues for Kyocera PCL6 drivers. Incorrect page sizes were being detected such as counting A3 jobs as A4
[Bug Fix] #17463 Calls to the DBS would sometimes fail with an error in the log file stating that there was a concurrency error
[Bug Fix] #17413 The subscription API could return negative subscription counts, causing issues on the MU1 terminal
[Bug Fix] #17394 Administrative permissions were being removed during an upgrade
[Bug Fix] #17386 When the user was activating a terminal via the Laundry Monitor product, extension information was not being sent to Express, resulting in the user sometimes paying for something such as a dryer top-up session but not receiving that
[Bug Fix] #17337 A user interface issue would make it appear that editing one admin user’s permissions changed the permissions for a different user
[Bug Fix] #17162 When attempting to add external interface settings for a library management system, (Other than Spydus), it would fail with the error message ‘Location is mandatory’
[Bug Fix] #16781 When used with a Spydus external interface, the prefix was not being applied to the validation if the user was logging in using Primary ID
[Bug Fix] #15713 The Calendar Service would not always automatically start after the server was rebooted
Web Administrator
[Feature] #17423 ‘Breaks’ have been added to My Reservation operating hours and holidays. This enables you to add time(s) during the day that the system is unavailable for, such as lunch breaks, etc
[Feature] #17372 New options have been added to the Global Properties area for My Reservation to determine for Sites and Locations whether Name or Description is the value displayed to the user when choosing from a drop-down in the Computer Reservation Website
[Feature] #17333 A new permission has been added to determine whether an administrator user can remove the expiry date when creating a guest account. Another permission has also been added to determine whether or not the can alter the account’s expiry date once it has been created
[Feature] #17322 Additional information has been added to the My Reservation operating hours and holidays area. It is now far clearer how these areas operate and whether or not dates and times have been inherited from sites or locations
[Feature] #17242 It is now possible for administrators to release a print job that has been pre-paid
[Feature] #17237 A tab for viewing a user’s facility reservations has been added to the accounts area
[Feature] #17206 It is now possible to edit a facility reservation after it has already been approved
[Feature] #17201 When creating a computer reservation, the PC Type drop down is now pre-filtered to only display values relevant to the selected site and location
Feature] #17177 Single Sign-On can now be configured for most administrative applications. Once logged into one of the administrative applications, the user can switch to another interface using the menu system. Applications supported are: Web Administrator, My Monitor, Supervisor Insight and Monitor Online Ordering
[Feature] #16991 It is now possible to create a facility reservation that spans a number of days. Note: This is only possible when using ‘Facility First’ booking method
[Feature] #16946 An option has been added to the Computer Reservations tab in the user’s account to display their current quotas
[Feature] #16945 A computer’s Computer Group can now be changed via a drop-down on the ‘Device Configuration’ tab in the computer management page
[Feature] #14927 The Calendar Editor has been implemented in Web Administrator. It is now possible to add and edit calendar profiles directly in Web Administrator
[Change] #17470 When creating a computer reservation, the list of available computers was sorted by the order in which the computers were originally added to the system. They are now sorted alphabetically
[Change] #17466 When creating a facility reservation, the default state of the option ‘Allow Key Code Access’ is now enabled rather than disabled
[Change] #17395 The default filters in the transaction view area have been changed to return only a single day’s data, rather than a full week’s worth of data
[Change] #17336 The message displayed in the Queue Reservation tab when someone is already in a session has been updated to be more clear
[Change] #17085 The option ‘One Ticket Per Page’ is now selected by default when creating guest accounts
[Change] #16910 The error message displayed when attempting to enter a GL Code that already exists has been improved
[Bug Fix] #17536 Corresponding Supervisor Net terminals were not being created for facilities, assets and inventory created in Web Administrator
[Bug Fix] #17524, 17518 The secondary accounts area was not working correctly. Accounts could not be edited and values could not be added to balances or quotas
[Bug Fix] #17519 The Computer Reservation maps system would not work unless the older Silverlight administration interface had been installed previously
[Bug Fix] #17517 Upon changing tabs in the User Accounts area between Templates and Accounts, the full grid was not displayed correctly
[Bug Fix] #17515 Removing a parent account from within a child’s account was not working
[Bug Fix] #17503 The contents of the ‘Computer Type’ drop down was sometimes empty when creating a computer reservation
[Bug Fix] #17500 Creating a block booking that extended outside of operating hours would fail
[Bug Fix] #17491 Two issues were identified with modifying block bookings. 1. Modifying the end time of block reservation with a current active session on Chrome Devices – Can’t modify the end time. Receipt shows the time has changed. 2. When you wanted to end a booking that was currently in use, you had to select each device booked to end session for each device.The first time you ended the session, the radio button was selected and you could just click yes to end session. The second time you had to select the radio button first before you could end the session
[Bug Fix] #17483 Multiple issues were found with the print job attribute system in Print Release – 1. When you changed the page range, it was not reflected on the grid i.e. if entering 1-4 of a 6 page document, it would be expected to say ‘4 Pages’ on the main grid, but instead said ‘6 Pages’ 2. When you changed the page range, it was not shown correctly if you re-opened the change attributes dialog. i.e. if 1-4 of a 6 page document was entered, it would be expected to say ‘Print Pages 1-4’ in the change attributes dialog, however this field was empty. 3. Whenever the change attributes dialog was opened, the job was always displayed as currently being Duplex, even if it was not. If the user then clicked CONFIRM on the dialog, the system converted the job to duplex
[Bug Fix] #17472 Computer reservation – The booking reference number on the receipt was blank after editing a reservation
[Bug Fix] #17471 If you right-clicked a facility name in the grid and chose ‘Create Reservation’, only a blank dialog would sometimes appear
[Bug Fix] #17444 Holiday hours were unable to be deleted
[Bug Fix] #17443 Transaction viewer – Manually entering a date in the transaction view would cause the system to return all transactions from the beginning of time
[Bug Fix] #17434 In the Computer Reservation – PC Type area, clicking the words ‘Countdown timer is moveable’ would toggle the ‘Enable Alt-Tab’ option
[Bug Fix] #17424 Altering the site filter in computer management has no effect on the results displayed
[Bug Fix] #17415 When editing a computer reservation, a different computer could be allocated to the user, even though you had only changed the time of the booking or some other piece of information
[Bug Fix] #17414 There was a user interface issue with the user subscription editor whereby if the number of passes available to the user was changed to zero and at the same time the unlimited flag was ticked, after saving the record it would revert back to the original number of passes available again
[Bug Fix] #17390 After creating a block booking, the on-screen receipt would indicate the wrong day for the booking. Re-printing the receipt would show the correct date
[Bug Fix] #17381 In User Accounts, if ‘Save Changes’ was clicked after changing a user’s password, their password would be reverted to the previous value
[Bug Fix] #17363 Editing a block reservation in the Block Reservations tab would result in the reservations for all other computers in that block reservation being deleted
[Bug Fix] #17361 Removing a child from a parent’s account was not working
[Bug Fix] #16944 The ability to change a Reservation Monitor’s site via a simple drop-down was missing
Web Print
[Feature] #17490 The system will now clean up print jobs partially submitted by the Chrome print extension if the job is interrupted during upload
[Feature] #17467 The Mobile Print Manager has been enhanced to enable Supervisor Express to give a user a Print Job ID for USB submitted print jobs paid for by cash or EFTPOS
[Feature] #17449 The document grid in the mobile view of Web Print has been completely revamped. This also overcomes the issue reported of not being able to scroll through the list of documents if there were more than four or five
[Feature] #17324 Web Print has been enhanced to better support Multi-Site installations and casual users:
– A new feature can be enabled in the configuration to hide the standard job price estimate, which is based upon the Cloud Queue, and instead display jobs as ‘Uncalculated’. The user then chooses a job and can click the ‘Calculate’ button. They will then be asked for a site, location and printer, and the job’s price will be displayed based upon those selections.
– The ability to pre-pay a print job has been added. Once paid for, the job may then be released at a later time through Web Print, Web Administrator, Supervisor Express or an MFD running Monitor Embedded
– All options not relevant for casual users has been removed from the interface when accessed by a casual user. This includes all menu options, the ability to SSO to other products and various information intended for Monitor Account holders
– The mobile Web Print interface has been reworked to make it streamlined for mobile users
[Feature] #4898 A print preview feature has been added to enable the user to see the document as it will be printed
[Change] #17425 Mistyped page ranges in Web Print will now be handled correctly:
1, -> 1 (Fix: Ignore missing entries between commas)
2- -> 2-9999 (Fix: Assume end range 9999)
-4 -> 1-4 (Fix: Assume start range 1)
3-2 -> 2-3 (Fix: Accept high to low ranges)
[Change] #17360 Web Print now defaults to not scanning the registry to auto-discover supported file types on the server, as Windows would often report a file type was supported when in reality is was not
[Change] #17280 In an attempt to prevent processing of automated replies from mail system, (which causes the processing of potentially thousands of emails), the system now includes email headers in replies that should prevent a well behaving email system from replying back to Web Print
[Change] #17251 The ‘Logout URL’ configuration option has been removed as it was not compatible with the SSO system
[Bug Fix] #17513 Previewing a job while it was in the process of being released could cause a processing error to occur, resulting in the job not actually being released
[Bug Fix] #17469 The document processing engine has been upgraded to address several document processing issues in Web Print
[Bug Fix] #17457 Certain email attachments could cause the Print Manager to die repeatedly, sometimes hundreds of times per day
[Bug Fix] #17431 It was necessary to remove the XPS file type from the blacklist in Web Print for the Monitor Print Driver to work
[Bug Fix] #17419 An email with two or more attachments could cause the system to send the user different Print Job IDs for the attachments in the email
[Bug Fix] #17227 Some images in emails were not being processed correctly. The image was being rotated but maintaining the original image’s dimensions, so the image looked stretched
Monitor Online Ordering
[Feature] #16434 Added the ability for exact repayment days to be specified for scheduled payments
[Feature] #17152 Monetary value entry questions can now be used for items subject to a scheduled repayment plan
[Feature] #17121 Additional subscription start and end period options have been added – A subscription start period can now be configured to be as soon as the subscription is purchased. The end period can be set to a certain period of time after the start of the subscription. An example of this is a Gym membership that begins as soon as it is purchased and ends a week after purchase
[Feature] #16673 MiniPOS items can now be managed from within Monitor Online Ordering Administrator
[Feature] #17179 The ability to turn on Single Sign-On has been added for use between Monitor Online Ordering Administrator and other administration applications
[Change] #17499 The tax rating of an item is now displayed in the grid
Supervisor Insight
[Feature] #17248 Created Date, Expiry Date and Last Used date have been added to the 3010: Primary Account Balance report
[Feature] #17188 It is now possible to select which sites to report on in the 4130: Location Usage Trends report
[Feature] #17178 The ability to turn on Single Sign-On has been added for use between Supervisor Insight and other administration applications
[Change] #17497 MiniPOS transactions are now categorised under POS rather than Online Sales in the 3800 and 3810 reports
[Bug Fix] #17504 The 4020: Computer Utilization Report was returning the wrong period’s data when automatically run on the first day of the month
[Bug Fix] #17502 The wrong period of data was returned in the 38xx series of reports if ‘Prior Period Adjustment’ was enabled in the filters
[Bug Fix] #17352 The 4020: Computer Utilization report was sometimes showing negative hours or invalid availability
[Bug Fix] #17340 for the 1340, 1450 and 2010 reports, Macrons (special characters) in the site name would cause no data to be returned in the report
[Bug Fix] #17185 Consistency has been made to the way negative values and values in brackets are used in the 1450: Printing Usage Summary report
[Bug Fix] #17173 Supervisor Insight could not connect to SQL Server running on Windows Server 2019 if it was installed on an earlier version operating system
This is now available for our distributors to download from our Filemanager site.
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