Cleaning Your Kiosks
We understand that in this time of COVID-19 sanitizing your machines will need to be a step we all take in preventing spread.
Start with soap and water.
Once you’re ready to begin cleaning, start by moistening a cleaning cloth with soap and water. Make sure to squeeze out any excess liquid before beginning the cleaning process. Once the surface has dried, begin the next step with a new cloth. Wipe down everything except the screen.
Use approved cleaners.
While the recommended screen cleaning solutions vary slightly across the board from brand to brand, the most widely recommended screen-safe solution is a combination of 70% isopropyl alcohol and 30% distilled water.
Don’t use highly concentrated solutions.
Kiosk screen should be cleaned with a soft, lint-free microfiber cloth. Abrasive materials, such as paper towels or rags, should be avoided if at all possible as they can spread lint or damage the screen’s surface.
Don’t get liquids inside of the screen or the kiosk itself.
Follow the same instructions to clean other surface area of the kiosk, pay extra attention to the EFTPOS keypad, front of the note reader and coin reader and the card barcode reader.
We recommend the screen should be cleaned more frequently than other surface area.
Clean the kiosk before opening the kiosk to remove cash or load more paper. It’s best to handle cash with gloves on.
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