BIG UPDATE: SupervisorNet, My Reservation, My Monitor 9.4.0
We have the great pleasure of announcing the release of the Supervisor Net suite of products version 9.4.0.
Highlights from this release are:
- The taxation system now handles more than one tax (up to four taxes) per item. An example of this would be GST and Excise tax, or State taxes, Federal taxes and GST. Taxes on items can be configured in Online Ordering administrator as well as Supervisor Net Administrator.
- Web Administrator includes the ability to use multi-factor authentication for administrator logins
- When resetting a user’s password in Web Administrator, you now have the choice of sending the user a reset email so that they can change their own password, or alternatively setting the password value directly
- ATI import files and multiple user photos can now be uploaded directly through Web Administrator
- A vast number of updates and improvements to Web Administrator
A complete list of changes is as follows:
Supervisor Net
[Feature] #16918 Implemented new multi-taxation rate feature. Items may now have more than one taxation rate. Existing transactions are also updated so that they are displayed and reported upon correctly
[Feature] #17053 Added new pricing model – ‘PREPAYMENT FOR PRINTING’, for the upcoming pay now print later workflow
[Feature] #17001 It is now possible to sort the columns in the site and location editor in Supervisor Net Administrator
[Feature] #16959 Added support to the Kiosk service for multiple languages for Express
[Feature] #16865 A ‘Test’ button has been added to the SMS settings dialog
[Change] #17002 Improvements have been made to the print release tab in the terminal records for selecting printers. Printers are now remembered if you edit a record and multi-selection is now done using checkboxes
[Change] #17000 Added fixes to the system to assist in the print job scheduling system when the performance of the virtual machine that Supervisor Net is running on is poor
[Change] #16905 The following templates can now have the %PrimaryNumber% variable added to them: Web Print SVNet User Casual User Print, Web Print SVNet User
[Change] #16862 The rules for permissions to terminals has been altered to make more practical sense:
– If there are groups configured to have access to a terminal
– If the person does not belong to one of those groups with access to the terminal
– Don’t grant access to that terminal
Users not belonging to a group will also not have access.
[Bug Fix] #16880 Due to an error in the database, Pricing models were not able to be created in the On The Go server administrator
[Bug Fix] #16558 When a user was authenticating at an MU1 or MU2 terminal for the first time, Supervisor was not checking their access permissions the first time when creating their account
Web Administrator
[Feature] #17079 An additional option has been added when resetting a user’s password to actually enter the new value of the password
[Feature] #16980 Right-Click context menus have been added to the Facility Reservation management pages
[Feature] #16872 Notification Preference (For SMS or Email) has been added to the user account record
[Feature] #16795 Added support for uploading an ATI format file directly through the user interface
[Feature] #16794 Added support for uploading many user photos at the same time by account number or account ID
[Feature] #16544 The option to copy to ‘All Sites’ has been added to the copy holiday feature
[Feature] #16855 Multi-factor authentication (2FA) has been added to Web Administrator. The admin user can elect to turn it on for their account. They scan a QR code generated by the system using Google Authenticator (or similar) and then enter the code generated by that application when logging into Web Administrator in future
[Change] #17081 The default payment method for the print release system has been changed to ‘Cash’
[Change] #16891 ‘Lock key combination’ has been removed from the PC Type configuration area, as it is no longer used
[Change] #16839 The way a computer is put into maintenance mode has been improved. Previously, you had to bring an offline PC back online before it could be put into maintenance mode
[Change] #16806 Preventative measures have been added to the product installer to ensure that the product won’t fail if WebDAV is enabled on the web server
[Change] #16778 The options will now be grayed out in the record if the record is obtaining its settings from the ‘Type’. This applies to Facility, Assets and Inventory configuration pages
[Bug Fix] #17099 If you were currently positioned in Site 1 at Location 1, and you created a computer reservation for Site 2, Location 2, The information printed on the reservation confirmation was Site 1 Location 1, instead of the actual site and location the computer was booked in
[Bug Fix] #17080 ‘Previous’ was spelt wrong on the print preview page in the print release function
[Bug Fix] #17075 When creating a recurring facility reservation, ‘Next X days’ was being made from tomorrow onwards instead of from today
[Bug Fix] #17062 When site and location restrictions are enabled, an administrator was able to make a queue or future computer reservation using a PC Type that did not have any computers in it for the site that the administrator had access to
[Bug Fix] #17054 Under some circumstances, the ‘Subscriptions’ grid in the user accounts area did not show which row was currently selected
[Bug Fix] #17044 In the PC Type configuration area, the number of successive extensions would not save correctly
[Bug Fix] #17034 Payment for an asset was not implemented correctly to follow the rules of the system
[Bug Fix] #17033 Various issues with the facility management page were fixed
[Bug Fix] #17007 Paying for a print release job using EFTPOS was accounting for the payment incorrectly
[Bug Fix] #16994 The blue action buttons above the bottom set of tabbed options would sometimes disappear if navigating to the ‘Queue, Future Reservation, Block Reservation’ tabs
[Bug Fix] #16981 Web Administrator would fail to log the administrator in when operating in certain time zones
[Bug Fix] #16973 When creating a reservation, searching for a user’s name would not work unless the search criteria was the first part of the name. i.e. If searching for ‘Smith, Bob’, ‘Smith’ would work, but ‘Bob’ wouldn’t
[Bug Fix] #16956 It was not possible to edit the ‘Per Unit’ or ‘Deposit’ amount for an existing facility or asset reservation
[Bug Fix] #16952 The button labeled ‘Advanced’ in ‘Facilities -> Configuration Options’ was not working
[Bug Fix] #16949 In the Computer Management area, the values for ‘Computer Group’ and ‘Computer Type’ were never filled in on the ‘Device Configuration’ tab
[Bug Fix] #16925 When editing a block booking and changing its date, it would completely disappear from the management grid and the resulting receipt would have the wrong date on it
[Bug Fix] #16921 In the computer reservation management area, in the ‘Queue’ tab, the computer and description were not being populated with a value
[Bug Fix] #16920 The system was allowing you to set holidays for locations that did not have their own operating hours. This was causing utilization reports to not run correctly
[Bug Fix] #16915 Using Ctrl-V to paste a search term into the search boxes would work OK, but using right-click and ‘Paste’ would not
[Bug Fix] #16914 The option ‘Override Computer Type’ could not be disabled by using the permissions editor
[Bug Fix] #16912 Balances and Quota Balances in default records were not being applied to newly created accounts
[Bug Fix] #16900 When you created block reservations with weekly or monthly recurrence option enabled, you got a blank reservation confirmation screen with a “Proceed” button and the block reservation was not created, there was no error
[Bug Fix] #16879 Estimated wait time was not being displayed in the Queue tab of the computer reservation management area
[Bug Fix] #16843 The transaction view (Either the full transaction view or the view within the user’s accounts) was being truncated to 100 results when scrolling down
[Bug Fix] #16840 Confirmation emails for Facility or asset reservations were not being sent to the customer
[Bug Fix] #16799 Various issues with creating a recurring block booking have been fixed, including incorrect information being printed on the receipts and the interaction between the original date and time entered on the main form and the recurring dates and times
[Bug Fix] #16798 When creating a PC reservation, if the PC was associated with different PC Types at different times of day, the booking would not reflect the session times associated with the PC Type for the time of day the booking was created for
Laundry Monitor
[Feature] #16899 The suffix used by Laundry Monitor can now be configured
Web Print
[Feature] #17092 Added the ability to use Office 365 and Google OAUTH systems for receiving Web Print emails
[Change] #17070 Altered the payload sent to My Monitor in preparation for pay now release later workflow (To be released soon)
[Change] #16886 Email address and printer name/description is now included in the transaction payload sent to My Monitor so that it can be displayed on the payment receipt
Monitor Online Ordering
[Feature] #17094 Monitor Online Ordering has been synchronised with the Meal ID system so that customers who have already purchased a meal in Online Ordering are restricted in Meal ID
[Feature] #17038 New options have been added to the Event system ‘What’s on’ page: Ability to hide the ‘Book Now’ button and ability to set the ordering of the items on the page
[Feature] #16919 The items can be configured for the new taxation system in the management area
[Feature] #16898 Added the ability to email or download tickets purchased for the event system from the Online Ordering management console
[Feature] #16884 Added the ability to hide items from the ‘What’s on’ page for the event system
[Feature] #16803 Users will now be displayed on the Meal ID management page when a user with no subscriptions left swipes their card on an MU1 terminal
[Change] #16851 The license required for the event management system has been changed from ‘EPI’ to ‘TBS’
[Bug Fix] #16907 Items could sometimes be shown for sale even though their availability had expired
[Bug Fix] #16832 When there were a lot of items, the item management grid would get distorted and misaligned
[Bug Fix] #16524 Creating a link to an item was not working
[Bug Fix] #16079 When being re-directed from the My Monitor login page to Monitor Online Ordering, the user was not being given the option of creating a guest account
Supervisor Insight
[Feature] #17071 4500: Facility Reservation Summary report – Added an option to show the list of reservations and added future date range to the filter options
[Feature] #17037 1200: Pricing Model Usage Summary report – An option has been added to show the transaction details
[Feature] #16320 38xx: Reconciliation reports – Added options to determine which transactions to include in the report:
Use transaction times – Include transactions based upon the date/time of the transaction
Use server times – Include transactions based upon the date/time they were unloaded to the server
[Change] #17108 4110: User Trends report – Date range has been added to the filter and the ‘Total’ label in the report changed to ‘User for the full period’ to better clarify the meaning of the data
[Bug Fix] #16852 If a user’s primary number was changed after an order in Monitor Online Ordering had been placed, the order would not appear on the reports
UPDATE: My Monitor version 9.4.0 has been released
A complete list of changes is as follows:
[Feature] #17004 The new taxation system is now supported with changes to the receipts to itemize the different tax rates and the statements being modified to show total taxes
[Change] #17061 ‘People watching this account’ is now removed if either of the following are not true: Parent accounts are enabled, Standard users can give standard users access is enabled
[Change] #17014 The guest account sign-up email no longer contains a link to confirm activation of account. Rather, it contains a link back to My Monitor where the user then clicks a button confirming the creation of the guest account. This is to overcome some spam filtering packages from automatically clicking the link embedded in the email
[Bug Fix] #17096 Auto top-up was not working with the Westpac gateway
[Bug Fix] #17095 If the site’s firewall failed in a particular way, the Westpac payment gateway could fail and credit the user’s Supervisor Net account without debiting their bank account
[Bug Fix] #17067 Guest account PIN status was being set to ‘Not Required’ regardless of how the default record had been configured
[Bug Fix] #17027 An error would be displayed if a parent attempted to make a one-off payment for a scheduled payment
[Bug Fix] #17019 My Monitor was always sending the user’s password to the Library Management system when paying a fee, which could cause a failure
[Bug Fix] #17006 Attempting to send a help email from My Monitor would cause an error message to be displayed
UPDATE: My Reservation version 9.4.0 has been released
A complete list of changes is as follows:
[Change] #16993 The legacy PC Client is no available in the installation package. Please ensure your devices are all running the newer PC Client application (As they should already be, as the legacy client is from several years ago)
[Change] #16992 The Silverlight administration package is no longer installed
[Change] #16829 The facility’s ‘Site’ is now sent to My Monitor during a payment
[Bug Fix] #17028 A minimum duration for a facility reservation has been added. When configured, a facility cannot be reserved for less than this amount of time
[Bug Fix] #17089 Session extensions were being offered in error to Chromebooks when there was either an upcoming future reservation or someone waiting for the computer in the queue
[Bug Fix] #16996 Items would become unavailable to book online if ‘Minimum days in advance’ was set to a value other than ‘0’
[Bug Fix] #16988 Applying holidays to just a subset of the facilities within a location caused the opening hours of the facilities to be wrong
PC Client
[Bug Fix] #16672 The client was allowing users to log in, even if their account was expired
[Bug Fix] #16932 If a user logged in with an invalid account name/ID/number, an error message ‘An unknown error occurred would be displayed
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