Facility, Room, Asset and Appointment Reservation
Easy and Flexible Bookings
Reservation- Facilities, Rooms, Assets
Maximise your facilities ’earnings potential, making it easy on staff and for your patrons.
With Monitor’s flexible and configurable booking and reservation system, anything can be reserved online or on the day, from resources to rooms. Whether you charge users for time or provide free access, we will help you maximise the earnings of the assets you already have, all while minimising the work you have to do. If you are providing facilities for free but just need the management and or integration to calendars, we can help.Facility Reservation Features include. Online System Management. Manage resources by: Institution/Site/Location/Category/facility, room or asset. Online or kiosk based user options. Book facilities ,assets or both. Calendar integration to Outlook, Google , Apple.
Key pick up and return workflows. Email access code to open doors if required. Setup and Cleandown provisions. Online – invoice bookings and/or online payments. Kiosk – Card Payment options and or cash. Over the Counter – Cash or Card options. Integrates to account options for payment and authentication as an option. Comprehensive charging options. Add: Assets or items to a booking. Upload documents for storage against the booking. Download documents. Make some assets mandatory to select with a Facility or Room booking. Add booking notes. Recurrence options. Manage capacity limits. Show different options to different user groups. On site notification tablets. Up to 8 relays to handle operational assets within a room or facility. Turn them on or off etc. Staff booking, cancellation and approval options for control. Display images of the resources, facilities or rooms. Display allowable numbers, prices and rules. Terms and Conditions Detailed Reporting Integrate to your acconting system for invoicing and collection of payments. More features, like maps, scanning assets back into stock by QR code, etc.
Today’s increasingly mobile businesses still need a place to meet. The potential value a single room could bring to your organisation may surprise you.
Resource and Assets
Utilise under-used assets and spread out your resources. Manage more effectively or recover the cost of your investments quickly and easily.
People Power
If your staff have special areas of expertise, let others gain the benefit of their skills, all while charging out for their time.
Customise to your needs
As Flexible As You Need
Monitor Reservation gives you ultimate flexibility. With a spectrum of options between self-service and entirely admin-controlled, we’ve worked hard to take the burden away from your staff without removing their control.

Easy for Users, Easy for You
Multiple user types can be configured, whether in groups or as individuals. For frequent users, bookings can be confirmed through existing access or ID cards. Guest users are easy to set up with one-off bookings. All bookings are updated in real time, meaning everyone’s on the same page as soon as your booking is made.
Reserve Anything
Conference rooms, sports grounds, swimming lanes, anything that can be represented as a block of time can be handled by Monitor Reservation. You can even outsource tasks by booking the time of specialists and consultants, or ensure your people are working on the right projects at the right time.

Organise, Customise, Monetise
Whether you’re wanting to create a revenue stream or simply organise your facilities, it’s all easy with Monitor Reservation. Maximising your resources doesn’t necessarily mean you have to make money – it’s about making the most of what you’ve got while minimising time spent managing.
Works With You
Our aim is to make organising and monetising your resources effortless. With easy integration to Microsoft, Apple and Google calendars, your bookings work inside the systems and software you’re familiar with. The emails notification system of booking reminders, cancellations and payment options ensure friends and colleagues won’t forget that important meeting.

The Details
Here’s what makes Monitor a leader in business solution software
For You
Easy to use, web based admin portal
Apply or inherit options to different facilities
Flexible pricing options including deposits and cancellation fees
Flexible staff approval options
Show different options to different user groups
Customisable rules and permissions
Comprehensive email notification system
Real time booking and scheduling
Customisable branding
Multi-site management
Integrates invoices to your accounting system
Add assets or inventory items to bookings
Powerful reporting options
Integrates invoices to your accounting system
Can be used for assets loaned to students or staff
Add notes to bookings
Make regular bookings with the recurrence system
Key collect functionality
View maps of venues
Monitors capacity for fire regulations (level and building wide)
Reservation Kiosk and online options
Charge to the Council/Universities main accounting system
Charge different rates for different groups
For Your Users
Easy reservations
Both bookings and assets can be included in one transaction
Displays rooms, images, allowable numbers, prices and rules
Full email notification system
Facilities Reservation Monitor
Mobile, tablet and computer friendly
On-site notification tablets
Calendar integrates with Outlook, Google and Apple
Flexible payment options. Pay directly via accounting system, through your Monitor Account, with EFTPOS, Credit Card, Visa, Debit Card, Bank to Bank or Paypal
The Monitor Difference
You’ll wonder how you ever managed without Monitor
Monitor Reservation is the complete solution to your asset management needs. Versatile, simple and powerful, Monitor Reservation stands alone as an all-in-one solution, but is also part of the Monitor Business Solutions suite of products. With Monitor Reservation, you’ll gain the power of Supervisor Net, an advanced database management system. Monitor’s modular and multifaceted software products mean you’ll always have the power of Monitor behind you, no matter how your business grows.